Saturday, August 16, 2014


Here in our 21st century, in the good old USA,  there seems to be a massive amount of people with cancer, diabetes, heart issues and more. None of these ailments happen over night. It takes time for your body to succumb to a disease.

So, here is where GENETIC TESTING can help you. Genetic testing will tell YOU what diseases YOUR genetic make-up is predisposed towards manifesting in YOUR lifetime. After getting tested you now have options to take the necssary precautions to derail YOUR impending ailment.

Science has now given you the option to improve and/or maintain your health. You might want to invest in this option. The Gentetic test is covered by insurance. Your Health... Your Choice..  .

Disease is EASIER to PREVENT than it is to cure!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Raw Fettuccine Alfredo

You don't want to cook this summer! Here's a spin on Fettuccine Alfredo; but this one is raw. Because it’s raw, it’s full of vitamins, minerals & enzymes and the sauce is full of good fats & detoxifying herbs. All of these ingredients are known to support healthy body functions.
...and a special shout out to Dr. B.’s clients!
Try it and enjoy!

Monday, May 5, 2014

A DRUG is not always the FIX ALL

America has been a "drugged nation" for so long that the public thinks it is a natural thing to do. The effects of all the prescription drugs on the human body is like a double edge sword. Many people are over medicated, and even more people have died from the negative side effects of the prescription drugs.

At this point in time the WHO, has weighed in on the over use of antibiotics. It does not look good.
Here is some of the information from their meeting.

Again, it looks like we really need to boost our immune systems more now than ever.
There are way to many drugs on the market that have serious long term negative side effects. There has to be a better way for us to live and be healthy without assaulting our liver, kidneys, thyroid, intestines and body with drug after drug. We must be proactive about our health.

Health Freedom Alliance
Common infections and minor scratches could soon kill because antibiotics are becoming useless against new superbugs, World Health Organization warns.
A child’s scratched knee from falling off their bike, common bladder infections among the elderly in care homes and routine surgery to replace broken hips could all become fatal as antibiotics are becoming increasingly useless, the World Health Organization has said.
The crisis is bigger and more urgent than the Aids epidemic of the 1980s, it was warned.
UK experts said the ‘era of safe medicine is coming to an end’ and government funds must be pumped into the production of new drugs.
In the foreword to the report Dr Keiji Fukuda, WHO’s Assistant Director-General for Health Security, wrote: “A post-antibiotic era — in which common infections and minor injuries can kill — far from being an apocalyptic fantasy, is instead a very real possibility for the 21st century.”
He said: “Unless we take significant actions to improve efforts to prevent infections and also change how we produce, prescribe and use antibiotics, the world will lose more and more of these global public health goods and the implications will be devastating.”
He said modern medicine, from the treatment of urinary tract infections and pneumonia in babies to chemotherapy and kidney dialysis are under threat.
 “What do we do when we have infections we cannot treat or when we lose the ability to protect people when having chemotherapy? I think there are very concrete implications, ” he said. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Heart Disease Factor

As a Naturopathic doctor I caution my clients in regards to their nutrition. The foods you eat play a very important role in your health and healing process.

For years I have told my clients to reduce their red meat consumtion. It takes a lot of digestive energy to digest red meat. I was also concerned that those animals the meat came from had been exposed to unhealthy chemicals, hormone and living conditions.

Through the years I noticed that people who ate red meat daily seem to have more aches and pain of various kinds and locations. My suggestion to them was to limit the red meat to 6 oz. no more than twice weekly and to increase their veggie and water intake.Their aches and pains started to decreased within two weeks.

When this study came out I was not surprized. Your first step to better health is better nutrition.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
A type of iron found only in red meat is associated with an increase in the risk of heart disease, a new review finds.
Researchers analyzed 21 studies that included more than 292,000 people who were followed for an average of 10 years. They found a link between consuming heme iron  which is only in red meat -- and a 57 percent increased risk of heart disease.
In contrast, consuming non-heme iron -- found in vegetables, other non-meat sources and iron supplements -- was not associated with the risk of heart disease, according to the researchers at the Indiana University School of Public Health at Bloomington.
"Heme iron is absorbed at a much greater rate in comparison to non-heme iron [37 percent vs. 5 percent]," the researchers said in a university news release. "Once absorbed, it may contribute as a catalyst in the oxidation of [bad cholesterol], causing tissue-damaging inflammation." This inflammation is a potential risk factor for heart disease.
The study was recently published online ahead of print in the Journal of Nutrition.

So, with this information in mind, think about what your put in your body, how much of it you put in your body, and why you are putting it in your body.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Irritated? Reach for a glass of water!

Happy Earth Day, everyone! It’s April, full of showers because the Earth’s living things need water and that includes you! Because schedules can be very hectic in the 21st century, people forget to drink enough water.  You don’t want that to be the case as the days get warmer. Now, there is an argument out there about whether people are predominantly dehydrated or not. However, many nutritionists, dietitians, doctors and others feel that most Americans are, indeed, dehydrated and you need to be hydrated for your cells to work efficiently. Your body is mostly water which gets depleted when you sweat , breathe, urinate, defecate, enter a dry environment, get sick, are exposed to toxins and forget to hydrate --- all those things that happen all the time! Everyone now knows that more water is needed when urine is yellow; but, you might also just need to drink some water when you feel irritable, tired or foggy because just a little dehydration can cause these effects.  Ah, having water at business meetings may be more important than we previously knew!

Yes, your body can get water out of non-water drinks; but, that’s going to require more processing than if you just drank the water in its more readily available form.  If you’re on the go, stay away from plastic water bottles that are not BPA (bisphenol-a) FREE because research suggests that this chemical is linked to cancer, diabetes and birth defects (some canned food linings have also contained BPA).
How much water do you need? It varies from person to person and is also related to whether one has a health challenge, is pregnant, in a warm climate or in athletic training. However, here are quick ways to get a baseline estimate of how many ounces you might need:
·         The standard 8 x 8 rule (eight 8-ounce glasses per day).
·         The Institute of Medicine’s Adequate Intake (AI)
o   for women (2.2 liters: about nine 8-ounce glasses)
o   for men (3 liters: about thirteen 8-ounce glasses)
Other factors affecting suggested water intake:
·         Exercise
o   less than an hour (add 13 – 20 extra ounces)
o   more than an hour (include drink with sodium)
·         Motherhood
o   pregnancy (ten 8-ounce glasses per day)
o   breastfeeding (thirteen 8-ounce glasses per day)
Happy Hydrating!

Mayo Clinic Staff (2011). Water – How much should you drink per day? Nutrition & Healthy Eating, Mayo Clinic.
Elkaim, Y. (2013). The truth about how much water you should really drink.  Eat + Run, US Health News.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

CDC Statistics on your health

Their have been many studies done in the past few years that claim America is an unhealthy country. We have super-sized just about every bad food out there. Many of us have very sedimentary life styles. Our desk jobs, non-active retirement, poor nutrition and health issues have made us an unhealthy nation.

In the USA 75% of our health care cost goes towards chronic health conditions. There are many chronic health conditions brought on by poor nutrition, lack of exercise and low immune functions. There are many chronic ailments that can be corrected or improved just by making a few positive changes in our lifestyles.

At some point we must take responsibility for our health and healing process. I know change is hard for some people but, living  life with a chronic disease, having this disease rob YOU of quality of life, is far harder that change.

The CDC Statistics : 

In 2005, 133 million Americans – almost 1 out of every 2 adults – had at least one chronic illness.

 Obesity has become a major health concern. 1 in every 3 adults is obese and almost 1 in 5 youth between the ages of 6 and 19 is obese
Arthritis is the most common cause of disability, with nearly 19 million Americans reporting activity limitations.

Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., behind diet and physical activity and tobacco 

More than one-third of all adults do not meet recommendations for aerobic physical activity based on the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, and 23% report no leisure-time physical activity at all in the preceding month

7.1 million (9.5%) U.S. children have asthma 

In 2009, 211,731 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. 
40,676 cancer deaths occurred in the U.S. in 2009 

26.5 million (11.5%) adults have heart disease in the United States
597,689 annual deaths are due to heart disease in the U.S
These are just a few of the statistics facing our population. These are just a few of our nations health issues.

We must be Proactive about OUR HEALTH!


Friday, April 4, 2014

Doctor Comments on Chemotherapy

From Health Freedom Aliance

According to Dr. John Diamond, M.D., “A study of over 10,000 patients shows clearly that chemo’s supposedly strong track record with Hodgkin’s disease (lymphoma) is actually a lie. Patients who underwent chemo were 14 times more likely to develop leukemia and 6 times more likely to develop cancers of the bones, joints, and soft tissues than those patients who did not undergo chemotherapy.”
Dr. Glenn Warner, who died in 2000, was one of the most highly qualified cancer specialists in the United States. He used alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success. On the treatment of cancer in this country he said: “We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.”
Dr. Alan C. Nixon, past president of the American Chemical Society writes, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.” And according to DrCharles Mathe, French cancer specialist, “…if I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Only cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.”
Dr. Allen Levin stated: “Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.” In his book, The Topic of Cancer: When the Killing Has to Stop, Dick Richards cites a number of autopsy studies which have shown that cancer patients actually died from conventional treatments before the tumor had a chance to kill them.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cancer - Hospital still forcing chemo on children

This is the world we live in, a world where you are forced to poison your childs body.

Amish Girl Bails on Chemo, Recovers on Natural Therapy
Submitted by Alice on November 6, 2013 – 5:13 pm
You may recall the story of young Sarah Hershberger, whose parents fought an Ohio hospital for the right to cease chemotherapy treatment. Early October 2013, the hospital sought custody of the child in an attempt to force the child to continue in their treatment protocol. By that time, however, the parents had fled the U.S. to find alternative treatments that would help their child.
The parents now report their child is fully recovered, and that the three foreign doctors have taken tests in triplicate to prove it. Both Cat scans and blood tests show that the leukemia the hospital claimed would kill her within a few months is gone. The foreign doctors used natural, biochemical protocol using nutrition, supplements and plant extracts to care for the child and restore her to health.
The Ohio hospital involved may have another comeuppance. Apparently, the parents were not informed that the chemotherapy being used on their child was experimental, with many severe side effects. The parents also never signed off on the treatment, their 10 year old daughter was presented with papers to sign, instead. The hospital also violated the privacy of the family by releasing the child’s medical info to the media as part of their campaign to get control over the child’s health decisions.
Friends of the Hershberger family have started a Pledge campaign to raise the funds needed for the family to come back to the United States and retain their health independence. Unbelievably, the hospital is still trying to take the family to court and wrest their health freedom from them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Alternative Cancer Therapy 2

In my practice 90% of my clients are cancer patients. Some refused chemo, some have been poisoned with chemo, but all of them come to my office because they want to improve the quality of their health.

In the USA, the medical community tells us we all carry cancer cells inside of us. So, why doesn't the whole world have active cancer?

As a Naturopathic doctor my objective is to help my cancer clients understand that their immune system is their first line of defense against all disease. It is extremely important to maintain your immune system!
The alternative therapy we provide focuses on rebuilding what has been damaged or weakened and to provide a natural detoxification process for the exit of toxic waste that is causing a severe imbalance.
Alternative therapy has always stated that our immune system was the top priority when fighting cancer.
Yet, mainstream medicine would only except what they could control the high cost of (chem, radiation and surgery) for cancer patients and other chronicly ill people. So, now the drug companies are testing a new drug (?) that will enhance your immune system.

By Deena Beasley

Mar 3 (Reuters) - A drug that uses the body's own immune system to kill cancer cells has produced lasting remissions - some as long as two years - in patients with melanoma that had spread to other parts of the body, according to data published on Monday.

Follow-up from an early-stage, 107-patient trial of the drug, Bristol-Myers Squibb's nivolumab, found that a year after treatment, 62 percent of patients were alive. After two years, 43 percent were alive.

Patients with advanced melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, have a median life expectancy of around a year, said Dr. F. Stephen Hodi, director of the Melanoma Treatment Center at Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and one of the studies senior authors.
Patients in the Phase 1 trial, whose cancer had worsened despite prior treatment with standard drugs, were given intravenous infusions of nivolumab every other week for up to 96 weeks.

Side effects of the drug included fatigue, rash, and diarrhea.

There are specific natural formulas that can rebuild your immune system, and aide your body against cancer and other chronic diseases. All things are not for all people. If you want to take a more natural approach to improve your health and healing process, you might want to talk to a Naturopathic doctor and find out all of your options for our health issues. It's your health, it's your choice.   

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Poison in our FOOD!

Chicago Tribune
Hundreds of foods in U.S. contain 'ADA' plastics chemical: report
(Reuters) - Nearly 500 foods found on grocery store shelves in the United States, including many foods labeled as "healthy," contain a potentially hazardous industrial plastics chemical, according to a report issued Thursday by a health research and advocacy group.
Azodicarbonamide, also known as ADA, was found as an ingredient in breads, bagels, tortillas, hamburger and hot dog buns, pizza, pastries, and other food products, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group, based in Washington.

Azodicarbonamide, or azobisformamide, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C2H4O2N4.[1] It is a yellow to orange red, odorless, crystalline powder. As a food additive, it is known by the E number E927.
As a food additive, azodicarbonamide is used as a flour bleaching agent and an improving agent. It reacts with moist flour as an oxidizing agent.[2] The main reaction product is biurea,[3] a derivative of urea, which is stable during baking. Secondary reaction products include semicarbazide[4] and ethyl carbamate.[5] The United States and Canada permit the use of azodicarbonamide at levels up to 45 ppm.[6][7] In Australia and Europe the use of azodicarbonamide as a food additive is banned.[8]

Where Disease Starts

There is an enormous amount of food in our stores that has been shipped in from other countries.
Fruits and veggies will absorb whatever is in the soil it is grown in, the animals will absorb whatever is in the food they eat that comes from that soil.

Did you know China has one of the highest soil lead contents in the world???
There are many reasons that Americans have so very many Chronic help issues.
What we ingest will affect our health on many levels.

If you do not know what is going on in your intestinail tract...GET TESTED.
Check out the website below, they will drop ship to people out of state in the US.
We as Americans must take charge of our health and healing process.

Your Health really is Your choice!

75% of YOUR Immune system is located in our intestinal tract.
Gastrointestinal disorders affect 2 in 5 Americans.
IBS affects 20% of the American population.
Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis affects 5 to 7% of the American population.
Celiac Disease affects 1 to 3% of the US population.
Know what is going on in your gut!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Alternative Cancer Therapy

During a consultation with a cancer client, she made this statement " Dr.B, I have had cancer four times and everytime they give me chemo I get a different type of cancer". This client was an eye opening experience for me. Why, because this statement is the truth I have always known. This client ended up with liver cancer after her last round of chemo and her medical doctors stated that it stemmed from her original cancer from six years ago. Her medical doctors never told her that chemo causes a secondary cancer. Chemo is not a if you get a secondary cancer, chemo is a when you get the secondary cancer event and when the cancer shows back up you wil be told your cancer has returned. You will not be told that the chemo gave you the secondary cancer.

The medical and drug industry make billions poisoning your body.

There are truly effective natural alternative methods of therapy for cancer. There has always been herbs and homeopathic remedies that can help you, help yourself! Talk to a Naturopath and find out all your options for your health concerns.

This is your health and you have the right to choose the therapy that feels right to you and for you.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


The Fight is on - Normal Cells Revert Into Cancer Cells
QUOTE: The formation of new cancer cells is caused by a very special type of microbe called a “cell wall deficient bacteria.” This bacteria is highly pleomorphic, meaning the bacteria can be smaller than a virus (e.g. a somatid state) or as large as an amoeba (e.g. the size of a trichomonad). This bacteria frequently changes it shape and its size. It can do this because it is “cell wall deficient.”
These bacteria, which can be “filterable” (i.e. as small as a virus), can actually get inside of a normal cell. Once inside a normal cell it blocks the formation of ATP energy inside the mitochondria and this is what turns the cell “cancerous.” It is this microbe which is actually what causes cancer cells to form. 


In Japan one of the therapies used by Dr. Yoshimizu to treats Cancer is the Thermotherapy. 
Dr. Yoshimizu states Thermotherapy kills cancer cells, and at the same time improves the body’s immune system function.

He also discovered the curative effects of the THERMOTHERAPY with;
  diabetes, hypertension, cerebral ischemia, fibromyalgia, and depression.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014



In the world we live in there is a drug (big pharma) for everything thing and there is a drug for all the negative side effects of the first drug. Wow!

Did you know that the health systems in the USA prescribes 80% of all pain medications in the world? Wow!

Did you know that the medical community in the good old USA has stated that all people with a chronic ailment (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) should be on a statin drug?

Be Proactive when it comes to your health! Check out Healing Concepts


American Heart Association - 80 million people have some form of Heart Disease.

Bogalusa Heart Study - By the age of 12 an estimated 70% of our children have developed the beginning stages of Hardening of the Arteries.

National Cancer Institute - 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will have Cancer in his or her lifetime.