Tuesday, January 28, 2014



In the world we live in there is a drug (big pharma) for everything thing and there is a drug for all the negative side effects of the first drug. Wow!

Did you know that the health systems in the USA prescribes 80% of all pain medications in the world? Wow!

Did you know that the medical community in the good old USA has stated that all people with a chronic ailment (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) should be on a statin drug?

Be Proactive when it comes to your health! Check out Healing Concepts


American Heart Association - 80 million people have some form of Heart Disease.

Bogalusa Heart Study - By the age of 12 an estimated 70% of our children have developed the beginning stages of Hardening of the Arteries.

National Cancer Institute - 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will have Cancer in his or her lifetime.