Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cancer - Hospital still forcing chemo on children

This is the world we live in, a world where you are forced to poison your childs body.

Amish Girl Bails on Chemo, Recovers on Natural Therapy
Submitted by Alice on November 6, 2013 – 5:13 pm
You may recall the story of young Sarah Hershberger, whose parents fought an Ohio hospital for the right to cease chemotherapy treatment. Early October 2013, the hospital sought custody of the child in an attempt to force the child to continue in their treatment protocol. By that time, however, the parents had fled the U.S. to find alternative treatments that would help their child.
The parents now report their child is fully recovered, and that the three foreign doctors have taken tests in triplicate to prove it. Both Cat scans and blood tests show that the leukemia the hospital claimed would kill her within a few months is gone. The foreign doctors used natural, biochemical protocol using nutrition, supplements and plant extracts to care for the child and restore her to health.
The Ohio hospital involved may have another comeuppance. Apparently, the parents were not informed that the chemotherapy being used on their child was experimental, with many severe side effects. The parents also never signed off on the treatment, their 10 year old daughter was presented with papers to sign, instead. The hospital also violated the privacy of the family by releasing the child’s medical info to the media as part of their campaign to get control over the child’s health decisions.
Friends of the Hershberger family have started a Pledge campaign to raise the funds needed for the family to come back to the United States and retain their health independence. Unbelievably, the hospital is still trying to take the family to court and wrest their health freedom from them.

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